Eiki's Balancing Act
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Eiki must do her job of judging the sins of Gensokyo's characters. However, she must weight them on her scale to see if they are balanced.
You have 2 scales. You win if the 2 scales have the same total weight by the time you use all the characters in each level.
There is also a time mode where you try to get the highest amount of weight on each side while keeping them balanced.
Also, every 5 score you get in this mode will be transferrable as coins in Megapig's jam entry, Mini Spirit Garden.
A Touhou fangame made in 8 days for the 15th Touhou fangame jam.
if your screen supports it, dont forget to increase the game's resolution from the settings to get clearer art. :)
Bugs in the jam version:
- The level select for levels 8 and 18 (the two special levels) are broken. You'll have to enter the previous level and beat that to access them.
- Medicine's description is incorrect. "non-dolls placed after her will gain 2 weight" should be "non-dolls placed after her will lose 1 weight." She still works as intended only the description is faulty.
Hotfix changes:
- Fixes an oversight with the transfer mechanic.
The hotfix will increment the value every time you play the time mode, where as the jam version only sets the value of your last played session of time mode.
- Slightly moves the characters to be more to the center in time mode, to make it easier to place them in the right scale.
So for all intents and purposes, the hotfix version is the same as the jam one. Just that you should use the hotfix if you want to use the transfer system.
The post jam version 2 also isn't much different aside from a few bug fixes and QoL changes.
Valon: Programming and lead
Reale_ly: idea
MollyCo/MollyYancey: Art and background.
Pachy: Art for the Prismrivers, Youmu, and Yuyuko
Saishoo: Music
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